XXL Pitbull Puppies For Sale

Specializing in breeding the largest Merle-tri color XL Bully/XL Pitbull Puppies

If you’ve been searching for the biggest, rarest XL Pitbull puppies for sale then you came to the right place. Here at Art Of War Kennels we have been breeding some of the largest Pit Bulls & Bullies for over a15 years. We specialize in rare colored Pit bull puppies that are EXTRA LARGE, with big round heads and great structure. We breed only the best genetics and have consistently produced the biggest Bully puppies. Our tri Pitbulls are some of the biggest there are. Art Of War Kennels has produced the biggest tri color puppies, for years, our breeding program is known for creating the largest merle Pitbull puppies of all time. Anyone who has seen our XL Pitbulls here at Art Of War Kennels knows that we produce the best merle and tri color XL Pitbull puppies for sale. Our XL Bully pups come with UKC or ABKC registration paperwork. Over a 15 years producing the best Pitbull dogs, at Art Of War Kennels we have literally produced the biggest tri XL Pitbulls & XL Bullies and merle Bully Pit Bull puppies, at Art Of War Kennels we have literally produced the biggest tri XL Pitbulls & XL Bullies. We have the best genetics from the largest XXL Bully bloodlines from around the world. Whoever owns a Pitbull puppy bred by Art Of War Kennels  is getting the highest quality possible. Our dogs come from the best genetics and most of our XLs were produced right here, by us. We produce some of the rarest puppies here at Art Of War. We were the first to produce a 150+ pound merle tri Pitbull, and have produced multiple 150-160 pound tri XXLs. No other XL Bully breeder can say that.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kimberly Platt

    Looking for a female bully puppy.

  2. Yisrael

    What are your prices per pup? Thank youre

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